Our Mission
To Reveal God and Good in Everyone and Everything
Our Vision
Small Community, Global Reach
New Thought/Religious Science
A New Thought/Religious Science church is a spiritual community that believes in the oneness of the divine creator, the creative process, and creation; and that our nature is a spiritual reality that transcends the physical reality, Here and Now.

As above, so below. It's all God, it’s all one; creator, creative process, and creation. Made in the likeness and image of God; the mind is not just a tool for thinking; it is a powerful tool for creating.
Spiritual Mind Treatment
Spiritual Mind Treatment is a five-step process that aims to align one's consciousness with the presence and power; the love and law, of God. Treatment is not trying to convince God to do something for you. It is becoming aware of the Presence within you. It is for the purpose of convincing our own minds and hearts as to the truth of who we really are. We can’t change the truth, but the truth can change us.