A person is praying with the words gratitude be our guide

Gratitude Be Our Guide

Knowing there is only God, let us claim our eagerness to release that which does not serve us, and our enthusiasm to receive the good that God has in store for us, and may gratitude be our guide. Let us pray that our eyes see, our hearts feel, and our actions celebrate GOD and GOOD in all that we are and do. Let us be thankful that the TRUTH that is us, is continually unfolding in greater form through us.

We are grateful that we are extraordinary expressions of God on Earth. We give up any notions of our lack or limitation. There is NO inadequacy or insufficiency in our being or doing because there CAN BE NONE in God, and we know God is in us. Old voices that convinced us that we were less than perfect children of the Divine Creator had their way with us once upon a time, but NO MORE. Whatever barriers that exist that prevent the flow of TRUTH from bursting through our hearts in such fullness that we are stunned by our own self-worth may no longer have their way with us. No matter how strong a hold these old ideas had/have on us, we will NOT settle for ideas of our being less than all that we are meant to be.

And, as we Let Go and Let God, we are most thankful that, where Light enters, darkness flees!!!

And So It Is, Amen.